Thursday, 29 April 2010

I was told there was a toten pole which has only just been created in Vernon park in Stockport, so i went to investigate as we are looking at creating our own totenpole inspired design for the 7x7 brief (we wanted to include the mexican myan/aztec culture in it).
It wasnt quite what i expected (not quite a totenpole more of a random carving) but however i discovered it is in fact a war memorial dedicated to the soldiers who have given there lives fighting the conflict in afghanistan.

The carving wasn't well thought out in my opinion.. but there were some parts that looked good, I liked the allsation dog at the bottom of the tree but the one at the top sticking its head out of a window looked a bit tacky and the horses head carved at the very top looked quite humerous.. im not sure if its totaly completed yet, but im sure it must be very had chizelling and sculpturing using a chainsaw so well done to the person who did it.
Im just jelous because i would love to have a go at something like this myself for the public to see and its a nice way to remember and celebrate the lives of the soldiers who have fought in the current war!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Mexican masks

These masks are from the book 'mask arts of mexico' by Ruth D Lechuga and Chloe Sayer
found in the college library this is such an amazing collection of masks. Im going to have to buy this book there are some really inventive mexican masks from historic times to traditional dance masks. as well as looking quite creepy looking at these has really helped with our current project. Looking at these masks has been a great inspiration for me and liz's illustration 7x7 brief 'A question for quetzalcoatl, which is a short story we have been allocated to illustrate.